Wednesday 11 May 2016

How to Directly Save Files From Web to Dropbox, Google Docs, SkyDrive Etc. With Cloud Save

Cloud Save
The clouds are upon us. Quite literally, as bandwidth penetration improves and major players shift their third eye towards cloud computing. Services like Google Docs, Dropbox, and SkyDrive are at the forefront as we start ingraining the habit of using cloud based services for everything from file backups and file sharing to regular work.
The usual route is from the desktop to the cloud. Or, download something from the web…save it to your desktop – and then upload it to the cloud. But this seems like an awfully circuitous process when you can move and save files directly from the cloud to your cloud based accounts like Google Docs and Dropbox. 

CloudSave allows you to get around your desktop and download files straight to your cloud storage accounts.
Cloud Save is a Chrome browser extension that supports Google Docs,, Dropbox, Amazon Cloud Drive, Windows Live SkyDrive, SugarSync, Facebook, Picasa, Flickr,, Twitpic and more.

Saving Files – Cloud Save In Action

With Cloud Save, it all happens from the right-click menu. Here’s how it looks like when you right click on a file you want to download to your cloud account.

5 Uses of Cloud Save (There could be more…)

 Cloud Save
Cloud Save is a very simple browser extension but very handy timesaver because it lets you cut-out one “middle” process and use to quickly populate yo
ur accounts on the cloud. Here are some of the uses you could put it to –
  • You can use Cloud Save on any third-party machine (or public) to upload files directly to your cloud account without downloading them to the unsecured desktop.
  • You can quickly swap files between two cloud based accounts. For e.g. swap documents between Google Docs and Dropbox.
  • You can send your email attachments directly to a cloud account like Dropbox without downloading them first.
  • You can do away with desktop clients for services like Dropbox by using your browser like a basic file manager – type in file:///C:/ to browse your local drives. You can insert the drive letter for other drives on you PC.
  • You can use Cloud Save as a nifty Facebook photo uploader. Facebook is one of the services you can activate from the extension’s settings.
Give Cloud Save a spin and tell us how you are planning to use it to shave off a few minutes from your download-upload cycle.

Download cloud save

 to save files directly into google drive try "save to drive"


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